My Weekly Soundtrack 1/28/14

It’s been awhile……since I’ve done one of these posts.

In my defense, I’ve been busy…and lazy. Anyways, it’s time for me to force my music upon you once again. These are just songs that have been stuck in my head at one point or another during the past week. Let’s get on with the show!

Up first, the song that inspired the first line of this post. Here’s some Staind.

Second on this list is The Kill, by 30 Seconds to Mars.

Our third song for today is Away by Breaking Benjamin.

Fourth is Flaw with their song Recognize.

In the fifth spot is Green Day with their song Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.

Sixth is Classic Rock Song by Stephen Lynch.

Our last song for this week is Race Against Myself by The Offspring.

Well, folks, there you have it. Another week’s worth of music that has been floating around in my head. I know it’s not pleasant being in my head, but be thankful. You only have to be in there once a week. I’m in there all the time.