Stopping By For a Visit

In my time on WordPress, I’ve had the pleasure of posting regularly on two blogs: this one and Stuph Blog, which I share with my brother, Twindaddy (who has also posted on this blog a few times), and our friend, Jaded. I’ve also been able to guest post on a couple of other awesome blogs, such as The Matticus Kingdom and Fish of Gold. Those experiences were awesome. Of course, that could just be because both Matticus and Goldfish are awesome.

On this blog, there’s only been one guest post (unless you count the few that my brother posted), which was done by the beautiful, magnificent, incredible Goldfish (she loves it when I compliment her. Tune into the comment section below to see her threaten my life….or, at the very least, call me a douche).

That, too, was an awesome experience. In fact, it was so awesome, I’d like to recreate it. So, if any of you out there would like to write a post for this blog, feel free to email me. My email address is . Be sure to put either your name, or your blog’s name , into the title. That way I’ll know it’s not spam.

The posts can be about anything you’d like. It can be a story, review of a book, or movie or video game. This could also be a platform for you to vent about something that’s pissing you off. It’s all up to you. I’d love to have you stop by for a visit.

12 comments on “Stopping By For a Visit

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    You are not a douche, you are a shower.

  2. El Guapo says:

    Looking forward to reading your guests.

  3. goldfish says:

    I would never threaten your life, suckup. 😉

  4. djmatticus says:

    Challenge accepted. I’ll get something together and send your way ASAP. Anything in particular you want from me? (yeah, yeah, whatever I want, I know… but, if there was something specific you could tell me and then I could either use it or ignore it…)

  5. I’m not very good at writing for my own blog, never mind anyone else’s! But I look forward to seeing what your guests contribute.

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