A New Versus Battle Royale

It’s been a little bit since I last posted here. Between work, my family, and my other projects, I just haven’t had the time. I have a few minutes of freedom right now, so I figured I’d throw one up really quick. But, since I’m still under some time constraints, I’m going with a post that doesn’t require a whole lot of thought on my part.

A while back, I asked for everyone to leave a comment on a post telling me who they think Fiction’s Greatest Assassin was. There were numerous replies and I put those into a poll and had the reading audience decide who they agreed with. The people voted and the winner was chosen. I’d like to do that again, but with a different focus.

This time I want you to leave a comment with the name of who you think is Fiction’s Greatest Wizard. You can pick any fictional wizard, mage, sorcerer, or magician and give us at least a sentence or two on why you think your choice is the correct choice.

One week from today is when I’ll be gathering the names and putting them into a poll for everyone to vote. Like last time, to ensure fairness, I won’t be making my selection until after everyone else has picked.

So, let us know, people! Who do you think is Fiction’s Greatest Wizard and why?

21 comments on “A New Versus Battle Royale

  1. djmatticus says:

    Raistlin Majere. He defeated gods with his magic. Case closed.

  2. […] It is I, Revis, your First Knight. I have come before you today to ask that you head over here, to my corner of the woods, and help us determine, once and for all, who Fiction’s Greatest […]

    • I never got into the fantasy genre or Wizards growing up, which means I don’t know of many. I would have to say that Harry Potter is my favorite because he started out as an ‘underdog’ and had to learn everything. Also, he was a Wizard with a good heart, and not an overblown ego. IMHO.

      • I’ve never read any of the Harry Potter books, and I’ve only ever seen the first movie, so I’m not that familiar with him. Maybe someday, I’ll learn more about him. But, there’s still plenty of time for you to get to know other wizards. I didn’t know any when I was growing up. I didn’t read anything that had to do with fantasy or magic until I was around 20 and, once I did, I never stopped.

  3. […] Hi, it’s your First Knight again, reminding you that there is still time for you to let us know who you think is Fiction’s Greatest Wizard. You can leave your choice in the comments here, or in the comments on the original post. […]

  4. Myridden Emrys — or as he would later be known, Merlin in the “Crystal Cave” by Mary Stewart. I keep coming back to this book that I first read thirty years ago. Merlin is believable and real. Like all of us he has his frustrations and suffers to do what is right. He is the wizard of all wizards, but in a strange way I can relate to him.

  5. Dan says:

    Although I’ve fallen behind on the books, Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files because he flies by the seat of his pants and is a bit rough around the edges. I like that he’s a Private Investigator as well as a wizard and the crossover with both worlds throughout the books. Plus his Amazon Echo is a spirit friend who lives in a skull😉

  6. […] at 11:59 p.m. EST. If you want to tell us all who you think Fiction’s Greatest Wizard is, go here and tell us in the comments. Any entry left before the cutoff time will be put into a poll so […]

  7. 1jaded1 says:

    Juliette said it first. Merlin.

Revis "......."